Here is a comparison table about what is new with the Phantom 4 differs with its immediate predecesor, the Phantom 3 Pro. Its amazing new capabilities surely places it once again on the top of the list of must have gadgets.
Here is a comparison table about what is new with the Phantom 4 differs with its immediate predecesor, the Phantom 3 Pro. Its amazing new capabilities surely places it once again on the top of the list of must have gadgets.
DJI will present to the world the new Phantom 4 tomorrow March 1 at 11:40 am EST. A week ago a teaser video was published on Youtube by the drone manufacturer. Keep reading for what we speculatively know about the new features.
Some time ago, before getting my drone, I was researching the complete measurements of the Phantom 3. I got the info here and there, but it took a while. Here are all measurements of the Phantom 3 in imperial (inches) and metric (centimeters), if you were also wondering.
Litchi, the DJI’s Phantom 3 and Inspire software to control your drone, developed by VC Technology Ltd, got an update today to version 3.0.1 (Android) and 1.3.0 (iOS).
You know you want to share your drone photography with the world. One cool way is to take 360 photographs one step further, or.. higher. An app called Litchi lets you do just that. Place your aircraft in one cool place, choose some options and there, a bunch of images that combined can become one 360 picture to be uploaded to Panoramio.com and into Google Maps/Earth.